Wednesday, October 3, 2012


These past weeks have been about 101 on relationships.

Omgosh:) I have learned so much about relationships these past weeks. I listen to David Jeremiah and Tony Evans and all them brothers and i learned some many things.
First things I've learned, relationships are not only about you being happy (shocker, i really thought for the longest time that was what it was about) its about serving your partner. I'm not talking cocktail waitress serving I talking about being there, and being a friend. You know how the bible is always saying serve others, now i get it. To be in an intimate relationship with someone you have to learn that its not always about what you get out of it its about what you put into it. Wow that is the deepest thing I've ever said:)))
Second thing I've learned, its not about the looks, its about the person. Okay, well I've heard that before, you know "don't judge a book by its cover" but I've never really grasped it. Its really not easy to do that...idk if this is a problem but every cute guy i see i hit on...wait that is problem:(( Well this tip is really something I'm working on...but I do believe that yu really have to befriend someone and then figure out whether you want the relationship to go deeper. But i advise you don't befriend just for the sake of relationship. I know some girls desperate for bf's and its not like they really want one it just that at school we are influenced by the stupid couples making out in the hallways. I see that and i gag, i really think it is weird to get all close and personal with someone if you're not married. I am commited to never kissing someone until my wedding day...that may be hard but it will definitely be worth it. Well, i've rested on this topic for too long....moving on...
Three thing I've learned.........wait i forgot :? Man I need to take some vitamin I'm too young to get memory loss I'm only in high school ya'll. Tune in for more when i recover from my forgetfulness...

Auf Wiedersehen:)))

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Olympics are over!!!!

Omgosh, all this time i have spend off of the blog was mostly because i was watching the Olympics!! My fave events were swimming, gymnastics ,soccer ,volleyball ,basketball, and so much that i cant remember right But in the Olympics i was rooting for Team USA most of the time....than i rooted for Brazil, Ethiopia, and many more. I definitely amazed by the newcomers Missy Franklin and The Fab 5! The gymnasts really put on a great show, their strength, confidence, and energy it was beautiful!! And Missy Franklin was the bomb! She was very calm and smiley:) I know she will do even better in the next Olympics!And Michael Phelps was truly amazing and named one of the greatest swimmers..this was my first time watching him and i thought he was awesome! Man, i love the olympics!! More so because i was really bored so i figured i should just watch it. This was my first time watching it so it was pretty cool for me. I can't wait for the World Cup in Brazil and the next Olympics in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil!!!!! I feel in love with Rio after watch the movie lol:) I'm such a kid...The closing ceremony is the part that didn't really amaze me. My dad and i were watching it together and both of us thought that it was too similar to something that USA would put together..there wasn't really much creativeness to it. I think that they should have put more of there culture into it and i know London has culture, its on my list of places to go when i can afford it XD! But it was still very cool, I guess. Well anyway if you didn't see this Olympics then definitely be sure to check it out next Olympics in Rio this one will definitely be a blast!!! 

Well, its ur bloggergirl, gracegirl316!! I'm checking out, deuces!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Why I hate religion but love Jesus


Why I hate religion but love Jesus

I was at a church bible study, and my youth pastor popped up this video. And man! It was wonderful and very resourceful. Even though I already have a relationship with Jesus Christ, there were somethings I questioned and this vid really revealed alot of things. First, it revealed to me that Christ is the opposite of religion. Christianity not about being a slave to rules, no, it's about have a relationship with the Almighty Father. And religion is about man looking for God but christianity is about God looking for man. That one that sentence it touched me like to the core. If you haven't checked out this vid, check it out now!!!!!!! I hope it touches you to the core, because it sure touched me!!

Just click on this link===>

It's your blogger girl, gracegirl316!! I'm checking out, peace&<3!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hot! Hot! Hot!

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One of my first choice YA authors is Dandi Daley Mackall! You haven't read YA until you've read one or all of her books!! I recommend her books to preteens especially the faithgirlz! series. One of my favorite elements of this series is the simplicity and realistic features of the characters. Her books contain things that really do occur in real life and unlike many fictional characters they don't just easily find their way out of their problems, they fight they freak out, in others words they have a more realistic take to their problems or trials. And i love how easily that this author fits the bible in her stories and it doesn't just come at an awkward moment in the story it comes at just the right time. The faithgirlz! series are books I recommend to those who are babies in Christ or growing in Christ. These books really teach you new things about God that you may have never known or understood. And again just the realisness of the book make it easier to relate to their situtations. Also there are eight books and four main characters, there first for books are about each of the characters how they encounter each other and how they encounter God. The next four books are about their newfound relationship with each other and God. And their daily lives at school and at home. So please check these books out, I'm sure you'll love 'em!
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Its your blogger girl,gracegirl316!! I'm checking out!! Peace&<3..And check out them books!

Monday, July 9, 2012

This is for the guys! (and girls if you want to read it)

Good news dudes, this is not another chick lit! lol! This is definitely a guy book.The title is Unsigned Hype. And first I didn't want to read it because I was more use to reading books from a girls' point-of-view. But I definitely don't regret reading this was da bomb!!

Interested in becoming a music producer, Tory helps his friend, Fat Mike, create a demo that lands them a spot in the Unsigned Hype competition. While Tory is living a dream, Fat Mike is basking in the mini glow this competition has thrown their way. However, when they don't win Mike becomes sour and agitated that Tory, now known as Terror Tory, gets a hook up to make beats and produces some of the local talent.

This book and many of the books I've blogged about have included religion. So if you're okay with that then read this book I promise you that you will not regret it!!!! READ IT!!

It's your blogger girl,gracegirl316!! I'm checking out, tune in for more!! Peace& <3!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Unlocked by Karen Kingsbury

I love this book!! I love it so much!! In fact I love all Karen Kingsbury's work!! Karen Kingsbury is not a young adult author but i recommend her books to those of you who are mature enough like maybe 16 and older, even 14 and older. This book is truly touching!!XD!!
Holden, the protagonist, is locked inside of himself. Through his thoughts, the reader gets a glimpse of the struggle between what he feels and what he can express. When he "meets" Ella, who is really his childhood friend, Holden begins to find a way to express himself: music. Their relationship develops despite educators who don't believe Holden can break out of his autism and bullies who prey on anyone who is different.
This book has really touched me. It has given me more compassion for autistic people out there. I know this autistic boy at my church and he is misunderstood by all the kids. They laugh at him, they throw stuff at him, cause they don't get him. And he only wants to be their friend. He always comes up to me and we do a fist pump. He's like my little buddy. I feel like it's easier to connect with precious people, though it may look like they were not created just like us they are the sweetest kindest people. I'm so happy God created people as sweet as them.

I'm checking out! It's your blogger girl, gracegirl316!! Peace& <3!

Wise words



         "Genius is one percent inspiration ninety-nine  percent perspiration"

-Thomas Edison